Getting bad news with your real estate deals can be dangerous to your career. But you can beat the "bad news blues" by following these tips outlined in this exclusive podcast. Much of your deals will fall upon the ears of not so motivated sellers that quite frankly can be rude, obnoxious, and down right threatening to your dreams and ego! And once this stress starts its like a huge of cards for most investors which results in changing successful actions that once brought confidence and affluence in the investors surroundings now leaves the investor feeling helplessness and often hopelessness that the deals we talk about on this podcast ( and so many others talk about) can't be done! But if you have the right antidote for these seemingly ailments, you will soon welcome these "no's" and ridicule because you will know how to turn them into profitable deals most investors haven't learned to do. In this episode, we plan to cure this unnecessary disease in every investor!
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You may ask ... 'Who are the jurors convicting the average real estate investor to death?' The simple answer: the seller with his/her name on the deed that never gets passed to the investor so the investor's job can be performed with a big paycheck! And the really ironic part of this phenomenon is the investor thinks he is doing nothing wrong. And in most cases believes he are doing what is correct to create those big checks. Yet they don't ever come, or they don't come often enough? And the really crazy part is this investor thinks he just needs a shiny are gun or better hunting equipment to find his target. This one 'down-side' of investing is not talked about with the students, but only amongst the teachers. Why? The teachers know the students won't come to this class because it isn't shiny enough to attract the failing investor not using it to find and close deals!
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Did you know ... the more you chase sellers of real estate, the faster they run? And if these sellers are running away it makes it real hard to do deals with them, right? So how do you get them to stop running? In this podcast we plan to show you the very hidden secret no one else is teaching you on how to become a deal magnet. Make these simple an subtle changed and you will notice a major paradigm shift in how many deals you will attract and get accepted. Without all of the hard work and extra learning to do it. In fact, it is so simple to make deals these days, even a teenage video coach potato can do it - and make a fortune. And believe it or not ... if you apply what Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse do in real estate, you will have a line of deals waiting for you to work on and get big checks from, as I said ... NO ONE is teaching this. So grab a pencil and paper to take some notes in this very unique episode!
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If you have listened to at least a few of my podcasts ... you have heard my uncensored opinion on the failing realtor system. But truth be told ... I use and need realtors when doing some of my deals, so I needed to seek out the best of the best to work with. So today I am going to interrogate Dave Bolduc on how he helps his sellers and investors to sell quickly and make the most amount possible. Dave has an abundance of experience because he learned real estate investing first ... Then became a realtor, which means when he does your deal he has first hand experience and a wealth of hands on knowledge to help his sellers get it dont quickly and efficiently. What you will really surprise you beyond what most think!
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If you were educated in the main stream education system like most of us, you will have been taught that the banks have all the money. And the rich now the banks. What most don't really is money is made from thin air (your thoughts). And ... you can get a big check in days, not years, if you know a couple of things about real estate and its ability when you are creative. When I first started my venture to convert houses to fast cash, I had no idea how loose the business was. In other words, how much my creative mind on deal structuring would play out with my sellers. Bottom line ... there really isn't a right way or a wrong way to buy real estate so long as you pay attention to your profit centers. And that's where most investors fall down. They are not creative enough to imagine profit centers in each deal or study deal structuring in an outrageous manner. And I am not talking about listening to someone like me. But instead get into houses and study sellers so they fully understand the person paying them to most. And today we are going to dabble in all of this so profit becomes clear to you in each of your deals. So here we go ...
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