Do million dollar real estate entrepreneurs actually think differently when doing deals? This podcast episode will challenge this one question so you can break free from any traditional thinking, or myths you might have collected along the way. Most don't consider or actually explore how easy it would be until you break it down like we do in this simple conversation. Once you hear and see how you don't really need a deep dive into theory, deal structuring, mindset, or capital to acquire a Million Dollar (Plus) portfolio, you will want to get started right after listening to this episode. The Insight you are about to gain is all you will need to jump start any portfolio size, even if it is zero. Whether you are a seasoned real estate entrepreneur, or a rookie, you will achieve what it takes to get a boost in your real estate portfolio quickly after spending the entire 60- minutes with us today. Don't miss this opportunity to embrace the formula that will give you all the confidence you need to getting a Million Dollar (Plus) portfolio soon. Let's get started on transforming your wealth right now …
In this single episode, we will cover some unique and unconventional ways to avoid overpaying for Creative Real Estate properties. This direct and easy conversation will include creative Finance options, such as seller financing, lease options, subject to, and how we structure them, so they are fair to the seller, the buyer, and us (the entrepreneur). In fact, being fair and equitable for all parties is a huge reason we do so good in the industry. But this podcast would not be complete if we did not talk about identifying how not to undervalue properties so you don't lose good deals that will potentially help you retire early in life. Our real World experience and strategies have helped hundreds before you to make informed decisions and maximize the amount of safe deals you can profit now, monthly, and later. By the end of this episode you will have a greater understanding of the unique ways we use to avoid overpaying for our Creative Real Estate properties. Make sure to listen all the way to the end so you can transform your portfolio and your profits.
Attention Creative Real Estate Investors! Are you tired of settling for low, or average profits in your deals? Or, no deals? Look no further then this episode to change that. Today we will cover how you can Master the art of negotiating extraordinary profitable deals. What you will soon realize today is: Why settle for any ole deal when you are working? Why not hit a home run every time, so you can get gargantuan results, and work way less! Whether you are a seasoned investor looking to take your skills to the next level, or a rookie just starting out, “The Art Of Negotiating: How To Get Extraordinary Creative Real Estate Profits Easily! is a must listen. No more accepting average deals. Our real world experience will provide you with insights and tips you need to approach with confidence and achieve those extraordinary profits. You will soon see this single podcast advice will help you overcome the common obstacles in pitfalls that often derail 92% of all real estate entrepreneurs when negotiating deals. Listen now and start achieving the profits you deserve!
ROI, or rate of return, is too often lost in the formulas, and negotiating with sellers. Mostly because our entrepreneurs are too worried about just getting the deal instead of making a good deal! And in this single episode, we will deep-dive into how you can use simple head-math formulas to make sure you end up on the side of gargantuan deals while the seller gets everything they want when selling. Plus, throughout this episode we will show you exact spots in every deal that are easy to implement (without anyone noticing), but give you extraordinary profits. And, can do, whether a season investor, or just starting out. You just need to know what we are about to reveal in this one podcast. All we planned to do with you today is help you explore (in your own mind) the potential way you can make way more money, doing less deals because of how these, until now, strategies that have not been revealed. And how it impacts your profitability, which will always govern how you live in the future. Don't miss out on how to transform your profits today …