When most folks think about real estate investors they thing about "flipping" houses for income. And if it is not something swirling around in your thoughts ... turn the TV on and watch a few "flipping" shows and you will soon start to wonder if you too could possibly do it? Unfortunately, immediately right after that a fleeing thought comes ... Can I do real estate investing that offers all the best benefits, with none of (or very few) drawbacks? Especially if you don't have a lot of money or time to waste to figure it all out, right? Real estate (for most) is an exit strategy to replace your current inconvenienced income. That means it shouldn't take too much time, or cause a lot of anxiety. If you choose to replace some (or all) of your income, and not be time-intensive or stress you out, this is the podcast for you. Only because I think by clarifying the difference between ugly real estate and pretty real estate, you can discover a better way to accomplish your desires without all of the common drawbacks that will hold you down when first starting out. Then you can decide if this is your road to freedom or not? So let's get started ...
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85% of your financial success in real estate is due to your personality, ability to communicate, and negotiate. Which means shockingly, only 15% is due to technical knowledge! If you have the ambition and foresight to seize and master these skills, over time, your financial future will be brighter than it is today - guaranteed! We were all born to negotiate. As a baby, you cried to be fed, and your mom fed you. Which simply means you won the negotiation. In today's podcast, we realize not one of us are entitled to anything, more to the point ... you don't get what you deserve, you get what you can negotiate (as Dr Karrass said back in the 50's). And this episode will take the mild and the meek and show then how to obtain or bring about discussions that will get everything involved exactly what they want in a causal but focused transaction and set of agreements.
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WARNING: This podcast is not for the light hearted or thin skinned investor who has purple colored glasses on. Why you may ask? Most investors fail at the most important task in the business. Yet no one talks about it or even attempts to explain it. They plunge into deals without this one reality and understanding of what is actually happening (especially behind the scenes where it is al hidden). If you are doing deals (or trying to do deals) with this one major blindfold on ... well, quite frankly, you aren't going to make any traction or enough traction to make a difference. In this one episode, you will discover the hidden secrets that you can't see, and often feel, but didn't know what it was. Especially if you are taking the seminar presented from the hard knocks university. This podcast is mostly for the faint who aren't spending money to educate themselves. It will be a true eye-popper.
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Once you give yourself permission to have this powerful, yet misunderstood way of acquiring property ... you will soon realize this perceived unpopular strategy will perform miracles for your financial future! In this podcast, I expect to help you shake off any confusions and distractions so that you can shed all of your doubts and bad advice on taking over a deed while leaving the loan in your sellers name As in any industry, here are certain strategies involved with buying and selling that lead to the most beneficial outcomes. However, before you can apply these 'tricks-of-the-trade" you have to be confident in your own mind how they work. For that reason, along with this strategy being the most hidden in America (which we will explain), we are going to unfold it right in front of your eyes so you can have perfect 20/20 vision on it and start using this amazing knowledge tomorrow!
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